Aurixia Elixirs & Crystal Elixir Prescriptions
I create bespoke elixirs for my clients as a way of prolonging the effects of crystal treatments,
using crystals combined with flower essence and the use of radionic frequencies.
I also offer the possibility of creating individual “prescriptions “ a combination of crystals,
which helps with another extension of enhancing your treatments.
These you can carry with you in your daily life,
sleep with under your pillow and keep in your field
to enhance your well being
and sense of joy .
Luc Montagnier, who was the joint recipient of the Nobel prize for discovering the HI Virus in 2008.
In double-blind experiments, proved that not only does water have the ability to retain memory but can receive messages at a distance.
He proved this in an experiment between France and Italy with a film crew documenting it In both countries.
The experiment proved that water can store a memory of an imprint, it can conduct information and that water also work at a distance in an instant, in real-time. Our bodies are 80% water.