Crystal Treatments


Time and space are irrelevant in the morphogenic field. I work with you anywhere in the world in real time. You lie in your environment, I work with crystals and a pendulum. After the session I send pictures and voice notes.
and you feel the shift.
If you’re undecided drop me a note and we can discuss how to proceed and book a time slot for your session/s.
prices are in ZAR for local South Africans or $USD for around the world

Chakra Balancing

Realigning the chakras is the most valuable work we can do on ourselves. It is the basis of all the crystal energy work on offer. 50 minutes and 15 minutes voice notes with pics: R650 or $55USD

Grounding and Protection

This session makes you feel completely in resonance with the earth. It realigns your electro magnetic field and is great for protecting you against negative energies. R650 $55 USD

Deep Relaxation & Well Being 

There are very few times in life when we allow ourselves the time and space to replenish our own energies. You will leave the session feeling balanced and nurtured by the energy of Love. A gift to yourself 50 minutes and 15 minutes voice notes with pics: R650 $55 USD

Abundance &Manifestation

After balancing your chakras, you will receive an energetic boost that will assist you to attract abundance into your life. Abundance is when you have more than enough so that your cup is overflowing. This session works best when done for 20 minutes every day for 4 days  after the initial session: R1150 or $115 USD for the package

Flu & Post Flu Booster Care

Whether it is for fatigue, post flu symptoms, general stamina building or cleansing and detox, this session can help kick start an easier recovery: R650 $55 USD

Crystal Prescriptions

Here I advise you which crystals benefit you going forward after your treatment, discussing which are the most beneficial. Price dependent If I supply crystals.

Calming Fear and Anxiety

When we feel out of control it often makes us feel anxious and fearful. Fear can also stem from fear of the unknown or triggers from past situatoins. This can knock the chakras out of balance. The aim of this sessions to calm the whole system, aligning you with your true power once again. The cost of a session is  R650 or $55USD


Relief from Childhood Trauma

 Whether it’s emotional neglect or physical abuse, or any other trauma, the memory often stays in our cellular structure until we release it. This is an extremely gentle way of assisting this process.  Cost of treatment  R650 or $55USD

Crystal Grids

The cost of a distance grid for a month starts at $55USD or R650 depending on crystals needed. Pictures and voice note descriptions included. If insitu, costs to be discussed depending on your vision and what is needed to create it.       


Design your Own Distance Session

After a chakra balance, 4 days for 20 minutes a day. Each day we work closely together on whatever is coming up. Deep profound work takes place: R1150 or $115 USD for the package



Consistent crystal treatments are a good way of maintaining balanced energy. When going through a change in life this is a great way to anchor in support. Some people find weekly or monthly appointment really helps maintain the nurturing effect of the sacred gems. For some eclipses and solstices or seasonal changes are the times when they appreciate energetic support (Sessions and package prices on request).

The crystals can offer excellent supplementation to other ongoing modalities like psychotherapy and are never a replacement for medical procedures.

I’m feeling so good and had so much energy afterward and feel really happy,
what a great treatment”
– NK (SA)

Wow, wow, wow …I’m in awe when I feel the work and energy, to be aware of work as its happening is incredible”

– JB (CT, SA)

“My mood has been pretty consistently good so far this week which is unusual….
Thank you”

– LL ( LA,USA )

That was amazing ….love the stones, loved the experience”

– SS (LA,USA ) 

It’s amazing that I felt when you placed the stones in my hands even though we were miles apart, I can totally feel how the treatment calmed me right down. Thank you. I don’t really understand how it works but it did… so grateful”

– DS ( USA)

“Your voice notes are packed with information and it all lines up with experiences
I have been having of late”

– RH (SA)

I’m feeling so grounded and positive. Yesterday (the day of session), I felt so at peace and centred in my body today I feel energised and inspired …”

– BJ ( CT )

It felt amazing, initially strange to be remote , but settled in well. Processed a lot on the table/bed feel so much more balanced huge thank you”

– CD ( Cape Town)

Your work is incredible and authentic and has been making such a difference over the months we have been working together”

– B J ( SA )

Since our session I have felt things have turned around . I am feeling more together, confident and optimistic. I feel like I have “found my voice”

– ZM  (SA)

“ I feel like an observer in this transformation.

I had a really calm day even though it was intense.

I did have good sob which was a surprising release, not about anything, nor anything I needed to name …have to admit I am a reformed sceptic”

– CS (France)